PJ Case Studies: Artificial Intelligence in Business
New course: The project course “Case Studies: Artificial Intelligence in Business” will be held for the first time in WS 2024/25 by Prof. Dr. Hermann Sikora and Alexander Porod, MSc
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Use of Artificial Intelligence for Tax Consulting
JKU student Thomas Wageneder presented the results of his Bachelor’s thesis in Business Informatics on the use of artificial intelligence and large language models for tax consulting in a seminar on Tax Law Technology at Vienna University of Economics and Business upon invitation from Prof. Dr. Robert Risse.
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How can artificial intelligence improve aviation? - Answers can be found at the Long Night of Research on 24.05.2024
The Long Night of Research will take place on May 24, 2024 from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. at around 270 exhibition venues across Austria. And we'll be there too! Visit us at the JKU at the Business Informatics HUB.
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Best Student Paper Award at ICNS 2023
The publication by Paul Feichtenschlager, Kevin Schütz, Samuel Jaburek and Christoph Schütz entitled "Privacy-Preserving Implementation of an Auction...
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